Getting Started with Windows Command Prompt and PowerShell


Understanding how to navigate the Command Prompt and PowerShell is essential for anyone in the tech industry, as these powerful command-line interfaces enable automation of complex tasks, efficient system management, and deeper access to system functionalities. Proficiency in these tools can significantly enhance productivity, streamline workflows, and provide a competitive edge in the job market, where demand for skills in PowerShell continues to grow. Additionally, with PowerShell’s cross-platform capabilities, professionals can manage diverse IT environments effectively, making it a critical skill for career advancement in today’s technology landscape.

Windows Command Prompt and PowerShell are powerful command-line interfaces that allow you to interact with your computer’s operating system and perform various tasks efficiently. This tutorial will guide you through the basics of using both tools.

Accessing the Command Line

Command Prompt

To open Command Prompt:

  1. Press Win + R to open the Run dialog.
  2. Type cmd and press Enter.
  3. Alternatively, search for “Command Prompt” in the Start menu.


To open PowerShell:

  1. Press Win + X and select “Windows PowerShell.”
  2. Or search for “PowerShell” in the Start menu.

Basic Navigation

Both Command Prompt and PowerShell use similar commands for navigation:

Change Directory (cd):

  • Change to a specific directory: cd path\to\directory
  • Move up one directory: cd ..
  • Return to root directory: cd \

List Directory Contents:

  • Command Prompt: dir
  • PowerShell: Get-ChildItem (alias: ls or dir)

Clear Screen:

  • Command Prompt: cls
  • PowerShell: Clear-Host (alias: cls)

Essential Commands

Create Directory:

mkdir new_folder

Remove Directory:

rmdir folder_name

Copy File:

copy source_file destination

Move File:

move source_file destination

Delete File:

del filename

PowerShell-Specific Features

PowerShell offers additional functionality:

Get Help:

Get-Help command_name

Discover Commands:

Get-Command *keyword*

Explore Object Properties:

command | Get-Member

Running Scripts

Command Prompt

Run batch files with the .bat extension:



Run PowerShell scripts with the .ps1 extension:


Note: You may need to adjust execution policies to run scripts in PowerShell.

Tips for Beginners

  1. Use the Tab key for auto-completion of file and directory names.
  2. Press the Up arrow to cycle through previous commands.
  3. Use /? after a command in Command Prompt or -? in PowerShell to get help on that command.
  4. Practice regularly to become more comfortable with the command line interface.

Remember, PowerShell is more powerful and flexible than Command Prompt, offering object-oriented scripting capabilities and a wider range of administrative tools. As you become more comfortable with basic commands, consider exploring PowerShell’s advanced features for more complex tasks.